速報APP / 運動 / Park Tool Tension Meter

Park Tool Tension Meter


檔案大小:1.1 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Park Tool Tension Meter(圖1)-速報App

The Park Tool Tension Meter application calculates the average bicycle spoke tension from readings entered using the Park Tool TM-1 tension meter. The readings are averaged and this average reading is used to look up and calculate the average spoke tension from the values in the TM-1 Tension Meter Conversion Table. For average values which fall in between entries in the conversion table, we use interpolation to compute the correct intermediate tension value. This is an application all bicycle mechanics will definitely want to use, especially when truing or dishing bicycle wheels - it takes the pain out of averaging tension readings and interpolating values in the conversion table.

The features which this application provides are:

* Includes data from the latest Park Tool TM-1 Tension Meter Conversion Table

* Shows Conversion Table entries for selected spoke style

* Bookmark and recall favourite spoke styles

Park Tool Tension Meter(圖2)-速報App

* Easily change between displaying tensions in different units: kgF, lbF, and Newtons.

How to use

* Select Spoke Style (type and size) from the "Choose" page

* Tap the "Measure" tab button to enter tension meter readings

* Average tension value will be calculated as new readings are entered

Park Tool Tension Meter(圖3)-速報App

* Delete by swiping left on an entry

* Clear all entries by tapping the "Clear" button

* Switch between tension units by tapping the "Settings" tab button

* From the "Measure" page, tap the "< Choose" button to go back to the "Choose" page

Application page: http://freerangecoder.com/tmapp

Park Tool Tension Meter(圖4)-速報App

Support page: http://freerangecoder.com/tmapp/support

Developed with permission from Park Tool (http://ParkTool.com)

Park Tool Tension Meter(圖5)-速報App
